Career blog posts

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You probably have the obvious stuff covered, like updating your resume and writing great cover letters. But here are five other things you should do while you're out of work to make the most of the time. 1. Volunteer. Volunteering for a charity or local community…

Do you know who would be a valuable part of your career network? Are you comfortable tapping that network when you are in a job search? Do you know what to say? If you understand who you should be keeping in contact with and what…

The new rules for a successful job search are not difficult to understand But, these rules have changed substantially from those religiously followed in the past. Most of the reason for these changes is that employers recruit in new ways, which now largely focus on new and increased use…

You’ve landed an interview for your dream job. While you may need to rehearse your answers to interview questions and brush up on your knowledge of the potential employer, you must also make one crucial decision: What to wear?! You may have heard the traditional advice to…

Searching for a new job while you still have one puts you at an advantage—but interviewers will want to know why you’re looking for something new. Ideally, you’re leaving your current job only because you found out about this one that you’re interviewing for, that will…

Listening to all the advice that's given to job seekers can leave your mind numbed. Everyone has words of wisdom for you, but much of it is conflicting. Everyone has an opinion based on their own experiences. "You should do such-and-such because that's what worked…

The #1 thing an employer is looking for on your resume… Can you guess what it might be? A title that matches the position they need? A certain school? Perhaps their alma mater? The name of an impressive past employer? Wrong. Wrong. And wrong. The most…

No matter how experienced you are professionally, networking events can be overwhelming. You’re thrown into a room with dozens and dozens of people you don’t know, and you have a limited of time to make an impression. While it’s tempting to stand in the corner…

All job interview questions ultimately boil down to this one: “Why should we hire you?” For some, this is a tough question to answer. You don’t want to come across as bragging or conceited, yet you need to explain why they should hire you over…